14 July 2021

Considering the exceptional situation caused by the pandemic at national level, the Institute of Financial Studies informs about the extension, until 01.11.2020, of the exceptional modification of the provisions of Chapter 1, Subchapter 2-2.3 of the Methodology on certification of insurance distributors and / or reinsurance, regarding the organization of examination sessions exclusively online.

The measure thus extends the period of taking the online certification exams, from 01.09.2020 to 01.11.2020, and applies to:

- the initial professional certification exams of the insurance and / or reinsurance distributors;

- continuous professional certification exams of insurance and / or reinsurance distributors;

The online examinations of the insurance and / or reinsurance distributors are organized according to the following schedule: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between 09:00 and 16:00, and the simulation of the exams with the audio-video component will be available on Wednesdays, in the time interval 09:00 - 16:00, respectively on Friday, in the time interval 09:00 - 14:00.


On days when online exams are held, the simulation of an online exam is not functional with the audio-video component.
