The Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) in partnership with the Financial Supervisory Authority (A.S.F.) is pleased to invite you to the European Conference of Financial Services - ECFS 2023 "EUROPEAN REFORMS FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND GREEN TRANSITION IN THE FINANCIAL SECTOR", 7th edition, on 23rd-24th March 2023, in Brașov.
Worldwide, global financial markets will face tougher conditions in 2023 in an environment marked by slowing economic growth, rising prices, unevenly rising interest rates and heightened international political tensions. Fortunately, the pandemic and the financial shocks helped the firms in the sector to considerably improve their resilience by strengthening their capital and liquidity positions. As a result, the majority should prove themselves capable of coping with the stress scenarios generated by the predicted recessionary period. In the longer term, the industry will benefit from the advantages of the frequent application of technology, improved financial inclusion actions and the expanding need for savings in the context of ageing populations or the concern to invest in sustainable financial products.
Strong institutions in the financial industry will be able to overcome the challenges of 2023, thanks to the gained experience, the achieved stability, despite the need to reduce expenses (as a result of competition generated by fintech companies). The global economy is expected to expand at a slow pace of around 1.6% in 2023 as financial conditions tighten, winter worsens the Beijing regime's COVID policy and Europe's natural gas problems persist.
This year's conference is organised in a hybrid system and aims to be a forum for debate on financial stability, financial education and resilience, ESG scores as well as the application of the latest legislative developments. The event also aims to add an economic and managerial perspective to the realities of finance, bringing together finance professionals, theorists and practitioners alike.
Event agenda
Thursday, 23rd March 2023
Friday, 24th March 2023
Conference subjects
- 2023- a new test of financial stability
- ESG investing at the crossroads
- The benefits of artificial intelligence in the operational activities of financial institutions
- The impact of the economic slowdown on financial markets
- Voluntary insurance - the new star of the Romanian insurance market
- Financial sector legislation - at the stage of international consolidation
- Financial education for adults - necessity or option?
Confirmation of participation/ abstract submission: 27th February 2023
Presentation submission (.pdf, .ppt): 17th March 2023
Submission of final paper for publication: 4th April 2023
Publication of communications
The presentations of the scientific papers (in .pdf or .ppt format) to be presented at this event must be submitted by 17 March 2023 to: evenimente@isf.ro. The selected papers will be published in the Journal of Financial Studies No 14/2023. For the submission of these papers to the review process, the final version will be submitted in English according to the techno-editing requirements by 4th April 2023 by email to: revista@isf.ro
Scientific committee
- Prof. Monica Violeta ACHIM PhD., Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca;
- Acad. Lucian-Liviu ALBU, Romanian Academy Institute for Economic Forecasting, Institute of Financial Studies;
- Prof. Alin ANDRIEȘ PhD., “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași;
- Prof. Flavia BARNA PhD., West University of Timişoara;
- Assoc. Prof. Claudiu BOȚOC PhD., West University of Timişoara;
- Prof. Gabriel BRĂTUCU PhD., Transilvania University of Brașov;
- Cătălin CÂMPEANU PhD. Cand., Institute of Financial Studies, Bucharest;
- Assoc. Prof. Daniel CÎRCIUMARU PhD., University of Craiova;
- Prof. Cristina CIUMAŞ PhD., Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca;
- Prof. Ludmila COBZARI PhD., Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Republic of Moldova;
- Assoc. Prof. Ionela COSTICĂ PhD., ASE Bucharest;
- Prof. Mirela CRISTEA PhD., University of Craiova;
- Prof. Marius DINCĂ PhD., Transilvania University of Brașov;
- Prof. Zbysław DOBROWOLSKI PhD., Institute of Public Affairs, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland;
- Prof. Grzegorz DROZDOWSKI PhD., Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Kielce, Poland;
- Prof. Liliana FELEAGĂ PhD., ASE Bucharest;
- Assoc. Prof. Georgiana GEORGESCU PhD., ASE Bucharest;
- Prof. Iza GIGAURI PhD., St. Andrews Georgian University, Tbilisi, Georgia;
- Lect. Sergiu GOLUB PhD., Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca;
- Prof. Félix Puime GUILLÉN PhD., University of A Coruña, Spain;
- Prof. Eglantina HYSA PhD., Epoka University, Tirana, Albania;
- Assoc. Prof. Raul Felix HODOŞ PhD., „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia;
- Valeriu IOAN-FRANC PhD., "Costin C. Kirițescu" National Institute for Economic Research;
- Valentin IONESCU, Financial Supervisory Authority, Institute of Financial Studies;
- Prof. Nicolae ISTUDOR PhD., ASE Bucharest;
- Assoc. Prof. Meral KAGITCI PhD., ASE Bucharest;
- Prof. Elżbieta KUBIŃSKA PhD., Cracow University of Economics, Poland;
- Prof. Ramona LILE PhD., „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad;
- Prof. Carolina MACHODO PhD., University of Minho, Portugal;
- Prof. Nicu MARCU PhD., ASE Bucharest, Financial Supervisory Authority;
- Prof. Adrian MICU PhD., „Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi;
- Assoc. Prof. Adrian MITROI PhD., ASE Bucharest;
- Prof. Carmen Eugenia NĂSTASE PhD., „Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava;
- Prof. Valentina NDOU, University of Salento, Italy;
- Prof. Florian Marcel NUŢĂ PhD., Danubius University, Galați;
- Prof. Mihaela ONOFREI PhD., „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași;
- Prof. Maria PALAZZO PhD., Universitas Mercatorum, Italy;
- Prof. Mirela PANAIT PhD., Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti;
- Prof. Răzvan-Mihail PAPUC PhD., University of Bucharest;
- Narcis PĂVĂLAȘCU PhD. Cand., Association Centre for Arbitration and Mediation in Insurance (ACAMA), Bucharest;
- Prof. Daniela PÎRVU PhD., University of Pitești;
- Prof. Silviu Mirel PIȚURU PhD., University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest;
- Prof. Lukman RAIMI PhD., Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei;
- Prof. Irina Gabriela RĂDULESCU PhD., Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti;
- Prof. Murat SARI PhD., Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Turkey
- Prof. Claudia Diana SABĂU-POPA PhD., University of Oradea;
- Prof. Alfonso SIANO PhD., University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy;
- Prof. Satyendra SINGH, Academy of Business and Emerging Markets, University of Winnipeg, Canada;
- Lect. Ioan - Ovidiu SPĂTĂCEAN PhD., George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureş;
- Prof. Eduard STOICA PhD., Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu;
- Prof. Ovidiu STOICA PhD., “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași;
- Assoc. Prof. Maria Cristina ȘTEFAN PhD., "Valahia" University of Târgoviște;
- Assoc. Prof. Daniel ȘTEFAN PhD., George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureş;
- Prof. Petru ȘTEFEA PhD., West University of Timişoara;
- Prof. Ioan Dan TOPOR PhD., „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia;
- Prof. Laslo VASA PhD., Metropolitan University, Budapest, Hungary;
- Prof. Valentina VASILE, Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy, Romania;
- Prof. Agostino VOLLERO PhD., University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy.
Organizing Committee
Prof. Marian SIMINICĂ PhD., University of Craiova; General Manager, Institute of Financial Studies, Bucharest;
Prof. Raluca Georgiana LĂDARU PhD., Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Institute of Financial Studies, Bucharest;
Assoc. Prof. Laura Elly NAGHI PhD., Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Institute of Financial Studies, Bucharest;
Ieronim ŞTEFAN – Institute of Financial Studies, Bucharest;
Adrian IANA PhD. Cand. – Institute of Financial Studies, Bucharest.
The event will take place from 23rd to 24th March 2023, based on individual registration.
For details on how to register for the ECFS 2023 sessions, please contact us by email at evenimente@isf.ro.
Moderator: Daniel APOSTOL - Director comunicare Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară
CUVÂNT DE DESCHIDERE: Prof.univ.dr. Nicu MARCU, Preşedinte Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară
Prof.univ.dr. Leonardo BADEA, Viceguvernator Banca Naţională a României
Adrian CÂCIU, Ministrul Finanţelor / Alin ANDRIEȘ, Secretar de Stat Ministerul Finanțelor*
George TUȚĂ, Deputat, Chestor al Camerei Deputaților
Acad. Lucian ALBU, Președinte Consiliu științific ISF
Prof.univ.dr Dorel PARASCHIV, Prorector Academia de Studii Economice din București
Prof.univ.dr. Daniel BREAZ, Rector Universitatea "1 Decembrie 1918" din Alba Iulia
Prof.univdr. Ioan Vasile ABRUDAN, Rector Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov
Radu HANGA, Președinte Bursa de Valori București
Alexandru CIUNCAN, Președinte și Director General UNSAR
Dorel DUȚĂ, Președinte UNSICAR
Ștefan PRIGOREANU, Președinte PRBAR
Valentin IONESCU, Președinte Institutul de Studii Financiare