07.03.2023 - 07.03.2023
Tip curs
Grup țintă

Employees of companies from the insurance and financial services industry.

Obiectivele cursului
  • Identify the components of a customer-centric culture and how the functions performed by an insurance company's customer-facing and non-customer-facing employees impact the customer experience.
  • Define the voice of the customer, and describe how insurance companies use technology and journey mapping to improve the customer experience.
  • Describe the primary principles of ethical conduct; identify red flags that may indicate fraudulent acts, including senior financial exploitation and other cybercrime; and describe how insurance companies combat such fraud.
  • Describe and demonstrate active listening skills and empathy, and explain how they are used to improve customer interactions.
  • Recognize and interpret various forms of verbal, nonverbal, and written communication; know when to use the different communication methods; and identify cultural differences that affect communication.
  • Recognize the kinds of situations that cause customers to become upset, apply conflict management techniques to calm upset or angry customers, and create appropriate solutions.
  • Create SMART goals and priority lists, and identify the coping styles people use to reduce stress and distress.
  • Distinguish between operational and service metrics, and explain how insurance companies use performance standards, benchmarks, key performance indicators, and performance management charts to monitor progress toward meeting targets and achieving goals.
  • Customers and Their Expectations
  • Elements of a Customer-Centric Culture
  • The Voice of the Customer
  • Making Ethical Decisions and Protecting Customers
  • Listening and Understanding
  • Communicating Effectively
  • Empathy and Cultural Sensitivity
  • Understanding and Managing Customer Behavior
  • Verbal Interactions
  • Written Interactions
  • Time and Stress Management
  • Evaluating Customer Service Processes
  • Evaluating Customer Service Interactions

The participation fee may be subject to changes based on LOMA policy

Investiția necesară pentru a participa la acest curs include

  • accesul pentru o perioada de 6 luni la platforma de elearning si sustinerea unui test de evaluare
Detalii curs

ACS 101 is an online course that uses a variety of media to provide a comprehensive overview of the role of customer service in insurance and financial services organizations and the skills that all employees—not just customer-facing staff—need to deliver exceptional customer service.

The learners will be awarded with a personalized certificate upon the successful completion of the course and the related I*Star (Individually Scheduled Test and Results) exam within 6 months after the enrollment.

Language: English

The course is online can be accessed both from computer and mobile devices.

Nr. de ore
Preț cu TVA
1200 RON
Enroll to course