14 July 2021

The specialists in ascertaining damages carry out their professional activity in the field of insurance, in accordance with the legal provisions in force and with the observance of the requirements regarding the annual continuous professional training.


The continuous professional training ensures the maintenance, improvement and development of the competencies specific to the activity carried out by the specialists finding out damages, aiming, at the same time, to increase the quality of the activity performed by them.


In the following period, ISF has programmed the following programs that offer credits of continuous professional training:


Anti-fraud / Interdepartmental communication for damage findings, 11/18/2020, 15 hours = 20 credits

Digital transformation in the process of finding damages, 25-27.11.2020, 15 hours = 20 credits

Updating the legislation related to the activity (combating money laundering, GDPR, SAL-Fin), 25.11.2020, 7 hours = 10 credits

Digital transformation in the process of finding damages, 10-12.11.2020.15 hours = 20 credits

Specific anti-fraud activities and their management in the process of instrumentation of car damages, 12.11.2020, 8 hours = 10 credits

Theoretical and practical aspects of fraud in the distribution of life insurance, 17.11.2020, 7 hours = 10 credits

Digital solutions for finding and assessing damages in the Audatex platform, 17-18.11.2020, 15 hours = 20 credits

Evaluation of wrecks, opportunities and threats during the pandemic, 25-26.11.2020, 15 hours = 20 credits



In addition to all these advantages, regardless of the type of course you will opt for enrollment (10 or 20 credits), you benefit from online course support, support from trainers during the course, certificate of participation. The fee for the validation and registration of credits is included in the fee related to the participation in this type of courses.